Dress Code

What should I wear?

In order to keep you safe on our courses, you have to show up dressed appropriately on the day!


SHOES: Closed-toe shoes - secure trainers with a good grip are highly recommended. No crocs, sliders, flip-flops, sandals or high heels, please.

CLOTHING: Comfortable, movable clothing. No skirts - shorts or trousers only. Long-sleeved shirts are recommended, but t-shirts are also acceptable.

GLOVES: While not mandatory, thin, protective gloves are recommended if you're planning on doing the High Ropes or Zip Trekking. We have these available to buy when you arrive, at £4 a pair.

HAIR: Long hair must be tied up and secured in a low style, and free from any accessories. This is to allow for a helmet to be safely and securely worn.

JEWELLERY: Avoid jewellery where possible.

OTHER BELONGINGS: No loose items are allowed on any activity - strap it all in! Phones and other valuables should not be taken up on the course with you. Please remove rings, necklaces, bracelets and earrings before you partake in any activity. We have a designated area where you can stow belongings while on the course.